Tuesday, May 20, 2014

How To Make Hijab Cones

Making the cones for your paste is very simple. All you need is either Floraphane or Cellophane sheets which you can find in any gift shop. Cut out a square shape approx 8 inches and roll it into a cone starting from one corner.

Once you have the cone shape tape down the end flap.

Fill the cone with mehndi paste (see my blog on how to make mehndi paste!). Make sure you don't over fill the cone, leave an 2 cm gap from the top of the cone not the corner of the sheet. Once filled you can fold the top flap several times over the cone and then tape that down as well. Tape it well!


Snip a tiny corner at the tip of the cone no bigger than the size of a pin if you wish to make intricate designs, and voila you are done!

 Good luck! :)


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